Monday, May 21, 2007


So I think I might have finally done something right...I got myself an internship. It's only for a week of work and it's not exactly what I want to do for the rest of my life, but it's a start. From June 11-17 I will be working at the US Open! I'm only going to be a scanner and I'm not even on the course itself :(...HOWEVER! I will be done working at 2 pm so I can go watch the rest of the tournament! ESPN, NBC, and The Golf Channel will all be there broadcasting so I'm hoping I'll be able to somehow make some contacts that way.

A couple of weeks ago my dad asked me what I was planning on doing after I graduate and I jokingly told him I was going to send in a resume to The Golf Channel...but now that I think about it that has quite a bit of potential. I've done some research and so far I'm liking what I'm seeing. Their corporate headquarters are in Orlando, Florida (a nice, warm, beautiful city that I would love to move to) and it's called The Golf Channel. Come on! What more can you ask for?! I spent a week in Orlando in February for a training trip for the college golf team and it was absoutely amazing! If I could live and work down there, especially doing stories on a sport that I love I could see myself being very happy. All I need now is more material for resume tapes....

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